The 6MBB is a range of lightweight Monoflange isolation valves that incorporates an Outside Screw and Yoke bolted bonnet Primary Isolation valve together with heavy duty Needle Heads for the Secondary Isolation and Vent Valves.
The compact one piece design not only ensures that potential leakage paths are kept to an absolute minimum but offers significant weight and component cost savings when compared to other conventional installation solutions.
The Budenberg 6O Heavy Duty OSandY Valve is designed to meet the requirements of piping class installations in accordance with ASME/ANSI standards that features all metal seating and metal to metal body / bonnet connections.
Monoflanges are manufactured in a full range of materials, flange types and ratings as well as having a choice of flange, screw or kidney flange outlets.
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Budenberg Gauge Co Ltd is a premier manufacturer of instrumentation for a wide range of applications and markets. Quality and reliability have become the trademark of all Budenberg products and all our instruments are supplied with a standard warranty and carry a unique serial number for traceability purposes.